The right to asylum in Europe. Innovation of asylum procedures
The right to asylum in Europe. Innovation of...

The right to asylum in Europe. Innovation of asylum procedures


In recent years Europe has faced one of the greatest migration crises since World War II. Its humanitarian effects have been devastating, but there has also been a salutary lesson for Europe to respond by ...

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In recent years Europe has faced one of the greatest migration crises since World War II. Its humanitarian effects have been devastating, but there has also been a salutary lesson for Europe to respond by adopting a series of measures intended to modify institutions traditionally linked to the sovereignty of States.


Chapter I. General considerations on the regulation of the right to asylum: Foundations, limits and instruments for its regulation

Chapter II. The european migration agenda may 2015: A more efficient asylum policy

Chapter III. Avenues for the simplification of asylum procedures

Chapter IV. Rights and obligations of applicants in the asylum procedure: Reform or continuity

Chapter V. Adaptation of spanish asylum law to the requirements of the european union. Internal regulation: Have the legal avenues into europe improved?


Zulima Sánchez Sánchez
Fecha de edición
1ª edición Julio 2018
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