Handbook of International Law and Diplomacy
Handbook of International Law and Diplomacy

Handbook of International Law and Diplomacy

Tirant Lo Blanch

Manuales de Derecho Administrativo, Financiero e Internacional Público.

43,27 €
Impuestos incluidos


Manuales de Derecho Administrativo, Financiero e Internacional Público.


General introduction / Prof. Dr. Ana María Salinas de Frías

Part I. Subjects of International Law

Lesson 1. The State / Prof. Dr. Joaquín Alcaide Fernández

Lesson 2. International Organizations and other subjects of International Law / Jr. Dr. Alejandro Sánchez Frías

Lesson 3. Non-State Actors in International Law / Ambassador Bernardino León Gross

Lesson 4. The Individual Person in International Law / Prof. Dr. Ana María Salinas de Frías

Part II. Sources of International Law

Lesson 5. Unilateral Acts / Jr. Dr. Ignacio Álvarez Arcá

Lesson 6. International Treaties / Jr. Dr. Ignacio Álvarez Arcá

Lesson 7. Customary International Law and acts of International Organizations / Jr. Dr. Alejandro Sánchez Frías

Part III. The application of International Law

Lesson 8. Incorporation and Implementation of International Law Into Domestic Legal Systems / Prof. Dr. Ana María Salinas de Frías

Lesson 9. International Responsibility of the State / Prof. Dr. Ana María Salinas de Frías

Lesson 10. Diplomatic Protection / Prof. Dr. Ana María Salinas de Frías

Part IV. Functions of contemporary International Law

Lesson 11. International Law and Diplomacy. The Organs of the Relations Between States / Ambassador Bernardino León Gross

Lesson 12. Personal Competences of the State / Prof. Dr. Ángel Sánchez Legido

Lesson 13. The Law of the Seas / Prof. Dr. Joaquín Alcaide Fernández

Lesson 14. The Protection of the Environment and Internationally Protected Spaces / Jr. Dr. Ignacio Álvarez Arcá

Part V. The maintenance of international peace and security

Lesson 15. The Peaceful Settlement of Disputes / Prof. Dr. Eric Canal Forgues Alter

Lesson 16. The Control of the use of forcé / Jr. Dr. Alejandro Sánchez Frías


Introduction. International Law and diplomacy / Prof. Dr. Eric Canal Forgues Alter

Case I. The Case Concerning United States Diplomatic and Consular Staff in Teheran (UNITED STATES OF AMERICA V. IRAN) / Ambassador Bernardino León Gross

Case II. Reparation For Injuries Sustained in the Service of the United Nations / Prof. Dr. Eric Canal Forgues Alter

Case III. Military and Paramilitary Activities in and Against Nicaragua (NICARAGUA V. UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) / Prof. Dr. Eric Canal Forgues Alter

Bernardino León Gross, Eric Canal Forgues Alter, Ignacio Álvarez Arcá y Ana María Salinas de Frías
Fecha de edición
1ª edición Diciembre 2022
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