Casebook on Spanish Succession Law
Casebook on Spanish Succession Law

Casebook on Spanish Succession Law


One of the most effective teaching tools for the study of law is the case method because it encourages students to step into the shoes of a judge, policymaker, a party and the public in ...

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One of the most effective teaching tools for the study of law is the case method because it encourages students to step into the shoes of a judge, policymaker, a party and the public in order to address complex real life problems. Consistent with this, this Casebook on Spanish Successions Law offers 38 relevant rulings of the Spanish Courts with doctrinal commentaries, so that the students can do their own independent research, analysis, and conclusions. As Benjamin Franklin says, "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn.


1. Section S.1. succession law

2. Section S.2. succession law

3. Section S.3. succession law

4. Section S.4. succession law

5. Section S.5. successión law

6. Section S.6. succession law

7. Section S.7. succession law

José Manuel de Torres Perea
Fecha de edición
1ª edición Mayo 2019
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